Saturday, May 23, 2020

Information Security And Risk Assessment Model - 1386 Words

Theories and Theorists Ram Gutta Walden University Abstract People, process, and technology are the main pillars for Information Security framework. Security controls are designed on the fundamental principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability. The orchestration between people, process and technology provides control mechanism and helps in mitigation or reduction of risk for critical assets. Any failure with security orchestration can expose the systems for vulnerabilities and attacks. It is evident from recent data breaches from security incidents that failure of people who are behind the security controls is the number one reason behind process and technology. Theories and Theorists I have identified two theories in Information Security and Risk Management; one is the Information Systems Security Risk Assessment Model Under the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, by Lili Sun, Rajendra, Srivastava.P, and Theodore J. Mock. The second theory is Motivating IS security compliance: Insights from Habit and Protection Motivation Theory, by Anthony Vance, Mikko Siponen, Seppo Pahnila (2010) Theory-1 An Information Systems Security Risk Assessment Model Under the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, by Lili Sun, Rajendra, Srivastava.P, and Theodore J. Mock . The authors of this article has presented the theory of â€Å"Evidential reasoning† under the Dempster Belief Functions†, as an alternative to the traditional risk assessmentShow MoreRelatedApproaches to Risk Analysis Essay912 Words   |  4 Pagesespecially an information security project, risk analysis is very important. Risk analysis, in the context of information security, is the process of assessing potential threats to an organization and the overall risk they pose to the continued operation of the organization. There are multiple approaches to risk analysis, and multitudes of literature have been published on the subject. In their paper published in 2012, Bhattacharjee and associates introduced two approaches to the risk assessment of an informationRead MoreRecommendation to Mitigate the Lac of InfoSec Policy964 Words   |  4 Pagessuggest that we use the Gartner Information Security Governance Model to assess the security problem of Inventure Foods, Inc. The Gartner Information Security Governance Model is most suitable for Inventure Foods type of business. It protects the information resources appropriately and efficiently given the company’s limited resources and overstretched personnel. 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Monday, May 11, 2020

The Civil War The United States - 1622 Words

The Civil War divided the United States with its’ origin in the struggle to preserve the Union from the Confederacy’s succession. A war to maintain the United States quickly progressed to battles fought because of the controversial beliefs on slavery in the North and South. In the coming of the Civil War there were questions and confusion that many Americans were faced with in the words of the South’s succession. During the war, families were torn due to the men lost to the Union or Confederate causes. At the resolution of the Civil War, Southern states were forced to reshape their economies that were once dependent on slave labor. What are referred to as two communities in the Civil War, on the boarder between opposing forces, the people†¦show more content†¦Finally, with the emancipation of slaves in 1863, the people of Augusta County had to reshape their economy with the introduction of thousands of newly freed slaves. The economy in Augusta County de pended on the slave industry prior to the Civil War through the selling of slaves to fellow slave states. Slavery in the United States can be traced back to the 1600s in New England, Chesapeake, and the Carolinas as a dynamic institution. After the emancipation of the Atlantic Slave Trade, slavery gradually began to disappear in the Northern states and was isolated in the Southern states. Because there was no other way of trading slaves throughout the South, the states began to sell slaves to slave owners in other states. â€Å"Slavery provided the economic backbone for Augusta’s farms† (Torget and Ayers 3). About a quarter of the families in the county owned at least one slave who worked their fields. According to the population statistics for 1860, out of Augusta’s total population of 27,749, 5,616 people were enslaved (â€Å"Population Statistics for 1860† 291). Much of Augusta’s income relied on the selling and trading of slaves. A slave from A ugusta County, Mary Perkins, writes to her husband Richard about the sale of their son and of how she and her second child are also now for sale. â€Å"My master has sold Albert to a trader on Monday. I want you to tell Dr. Hamelton or your master if either will buy me†

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fast and Feast Free Essays

Wednesday, I was appreciative and prayed like I said I would. When I found that I was appreciative I Just said a small thank you to God and I was proud of all the feasting that I had done. However, I found that even though I was appreciative I was still complaining. We will write a custom essay sample on Fast and Feast or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the things we, as Christians, are asked to do during Lent is make a sacrifice that will help us focus on resisting worldly distractions. Although complaining is not what you would normally think of as a worldly distraction such as TV or the computer, it still distracts me from God. During the first two days I realized that I had to balance my appreciation and complaining. I could not focus wholly on one or else I would forget about the other. On both Thursday and Friday of that week I tried my best to concentrate on both my feasting and fasting and learned by the end how to keep from complaining but also appreciate everything I am given and all the opportunities I have. One of these spoken opportunities was the chance to go on the Mid-night Run. It was very fitting that this was the last day of my five-day fasting/ feasting project because I feel like I was most appreciative during this day. All the people on the Mid-night Run went into NY City and handed out clothes and food to the homeless. At first I tried to be impartial to the whole matter because I did not want to cry in the middle of a city street. However, as the people started coming more and more I found myself feeling so sorry for them. I said a quick prayer in my head for them and that wherever they would sleep would be warm since it was so cold outside. What really affected me was when a small woman came over and asked If we had any underwear. This In particular blew my mind; I then realized how bad they must have It If a woman has to beg for underwear. Even though the five-day fasting/ feasting project is over I still try not to complain. When I do, I think of how fortunate I am in comparison to all those people out there who wish for half the life I have. Dying to ourselves, letting go of our own wants and needs, leaves us open to invite God in, to pay attention to something other than ourselves. This experience has made me more aware of all the joy that I deprived myself of. When I stopped myself from complaining, I realized how much better I felt. I felt as if I had made the whole situation better for myself and I did. When I stopped complaining, I subsequently stopped petty arguments and cruel or annoyed moods. Once I stopped I found yeses in a better mood altogether and I think It also rubbed off on the people around me. Overall, letting go of my own wants and needs, gave everyone an Improved attitude and allowed for more room to let God In. By not complaining I have a whole part of my life that essentially cut of. This part has now been filled with my appreciation and God. By separating myself from complaining I can turn to God and appreciative and happy I bring on that sense of fulfillment to other people. For Catholics, â€Å"dying to ourselves, we enter some way or another into Chrism’s dying and we rise to new life with Him as well. † (TM p. 9) The new life I have been brought is one of acceptance and appreciation. As I moved through the week, I found that as I complained less, I became more and more relax as well. The complaining, when I was unable to stop myself, bothered me more than I think it bothered my parents. I found that I started to enjoy myself more as I acce pted events around me. I knew I could not change that fact that it was cold outside so I accepted it for what it was and appreciated that I had clothes to keep me warm. By living this new life that was one of acceptance and appreciation I feel as if I have also opened up a new relationship tit God. I am closer to my ultimate vocation, union with God, after having been brought this new life through my fasting/feasting project. The overall purpose of Lent is to prepare for Easter and prepare to celebrate new life with the Resurrection. It is also a period of intense preparation for catchments to enter the church. During this preparation, Christians focus on living the Kingdom of God more intensely than they do during the rest of the year. This fasting is not only a literal fast from eating, but also a chance to make a sacrifice that will help us Ochs on resisting worldly distractions. This is self-discipline and also an opportunity to make more room for God and to move closer to him. When we fast together as a community, it is the whole church community opening themselves up to God together. My experience over the last five days has helped me live out the purpose of Lent by exposing me to the deeper meaning of the fast. Instead of Just giving up candy or chips, I have given up a part of my life that has only brought me down, and opened myself up to happiness, fulfillment, acceptance, appreciation, and a closer relationship with God. How to cite Fast and Feast, Papers