Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures Essay

Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures - Essay Example Mechanistic characteristics and features include; low differentiation of tasks, has an unwavering environment, centralized decision making, low integration where due to the stability of tasks there is low integration between departments and functional areas and moreover, in situations where tasks are stable they are standardized and formalized which facilitates the smooth running of operations without breakdown. Organic structures are best applicable in dynamic and uncertain environment and differentiation of tasks is high since tasks are often changing which calls for differentiation (Ross 2011). Additionally, organic organization structures have a higher integration of departments and functional areas as compared to mechanistic structures, decision making is decentralized and, there is little standardization and formalization, how? Due to the rapid change in tasks it is impractical to apply standardization and formalized procedures and instead tasks are supposed to be mutually adjusted so that each sub problem is balanced with other sub problems (Burn & Stalker

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